Patrons who wish to comment on library materials, presentations, events, and displays are encouraged to submit a patron comment form. WCPL staff will use an established procedure to thoroughly review and respond to all comments. This review is based on the American Library Association’s “Library Bill of Rights” and Webb City Public Library’s Materials Selection Policy. Patrons wishing to comment on materials are required to live in or own property within the City Limits of Webb City since their property taxes support the library district.

Our policy can be found HERE. A paper patron comment form can be printed from the second page of the policy, or a digital form can be accessed HERE.

The results of any such dispute or challenge shall be disclosed to the public and published on the library’s website. This statement is required by 15 CSR 30-200.015 Library Certification Requirement for the Protection of Minors subsection (F).

All disclosures can be found HERE, with patron information redacted for privacy.

2018 Westside